Dear fans of my book and my blog!
I am very pleased about the demand for my book by the international readership. I appreciate it all the more because I am like the lone wolf in the jungle of trading. The engine of innovation is scarcely to be found in the Old World, which in turn fits exactly to the old trading. It's a pity!
If you pay attention to the new basic work "Trading decrypted - Finally profitable from day one" by Gideon Pfeil and his New Trading, you are definitely doing something well for yourself. You promote your own prosperity and thus perhaps that of your family, etc.
This is the attention of Gideon Pfeil, his personal why.
It is ultimately the promotion of the middle class in Germany, but also everywhere else in the world. If the middle class is better off, poverty can also be pushed back. Only the middle class is capable of doing this. Everyone else lacks empathy.
But this will only be possible if you join me in strenghening the position of Gideon Pfeil in the international trader competition in the new year. All the more the dominance of the old trading, which is no good except to burn the money of 90 % of traders, can be pushed back.
And therefore I need you!
I do not want and will not allow myself to be corrupted by the financial industry !
Please recommend my book to friends and acquaintances, write reviews that are read worldwide, write to stock papers and magazines and tell them, that you have not found anything to read for a long time, what you are looking for.
The widest possible distribution of this book, especially the international edition, will only be possible with your support.
Gideon Pfeil