Dear traders,
it's a completely new approach that, to my knowledge, hasn't been seriously developed anywhere. One has to get the impression, that apparently nobody is interested in making private traders profitable - with the exception of these traders themselves, who unfortunately do not have the opportunity to play with algorithms and cannot engage in high-frequency trading.
The solution
So it comes from a direction that the financial industry obviously doesn't have on its radar either, but from a new basic work in which trading is "thought" in a completely new way. I worked it out under the title "Trading decrypted - finally profitable from day ONE. Because in this work really all success stoppers you can imagine are avoided the advertising drum for it is only beaten by the author himself. Because no one from the "financial industry" conglomerate can be interested in this knowledge being made available to a broad trader public. Therefore, the way to get the project up and running is not easy, but it is followed consistently, initially with the help of my blog. With the publication of the book, the project has only just begun. The English translation will follow at the beginning 2023.
The project was started in May 2022 and it will not end.
Gideon Pfeil