Dear traders
06.12.2022 09.40 executive order N 100 11.795,87 Buy CFD
06.12.2022 09.41 executive order N 100 11.797,84 TP CFD
06.12.2022 17.06 executive order Rohöl 81,217 Sell CFD
06.12.2022 17.09 executive order Rohöl 81,186 TP CFD
06.12.2022 17.09 executive order Rohöl 81192 Sell CFD
06.12.2022 17.19 executive order Rohöl 80.942 TP CFD
This is an excerpt from the current trading-list. Out of a total of 7 trades, 5 were successful. If possible, 8 out of 10 trades should always be successful, 7 hits are also okay. If there are fewer than 7 hits, every trader should carry out intensive error analysis in his own interest, otherwise there is a risk that the trading day will end in loss.
Gideon Pfeil
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